Friday, January 02, 2004

Wow, I never really thought I'd start up one of these things. When my. . .(not sure what she is now; I'll get to that later), Danielle, started one, I thought to myself, "Hey, that's pretty nifty." But I never thought too much about starting one myself. And now here I am. I'm doing this, not because I want to, but I need to. For those of you who are reading this and don't know me (if that ever happens), I'm living my life for Christ and only for Him. I also like to think a lot, and lately, those thoughts have been a source for attack on who I am as a person. Satan's trying to pull me down through my own unfinished thoughts. I'm realizing now that thinking is one of the main things that God made my brain to need. This past week, though, I've been forced to think much more than I've ever wanted to. You see, this week, Danielle, my girlfriend for almost two years, told me that we needed a break. Now, for someone who really doesn't have much going on in their life, that was a massive blow. But through prayer, thinking, and reading my Bible, I've learned more in a week than I have in the past half year. The worst thing that we can do when something bad happens to us is curse God and ask him "why?". The answer is so obvoius. Believe me, I wanted to turn around and say, "God, I hate You. Go away." I wanted someone to lay the blame on. And yet, He is the one to blame. He did it for my good. Here's the reason to the question of "why?": you need that to happen. It says in Jeremiah that God has plans for us that aren't evil, but are good and are plans to give us a future full of hope. So, what you want to happen isn't always the best thing for you. In the end, I worship God and rejoice that this happened, because I know that whatever happens, it's for the betterment of my life and His plan to accomplish great things through me. I've also come to the realization that, as Jonah33 said, "everything is trash compared to knowing who You are." Jesus is my only treasure and everything I am given, I am given to show that they mean nothing to me compared to Jesus (thank you, John Piper). Jesus is my one and only. And that He shall remain until my death and beyond into eternity. So now, all I have left to do is get down on my knees and say, "Thank you, Jesus." Thank You for my trials, my persecutions, and the attacks upon me. For when that happens, I grow all the more closer to You, the truest love I will ever have. Well, I think that's about all I have right now. That's only about half of what's been floating around in my mind this week. And, with that, I'm going to go finish my lunch.

adios and God bless everyone of you now and for all eternity.

song for the day: Disciple - "One More Time" "And I will praise and give You thanks, for You have lifted me to carry me one more time. I'll praise and give You thanks, for You have lifted me to make me see my life is in Your hands."


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