Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Nine days without shaving. I'm getting kind of hairy:) I picked up Animal Crossing for my gamecube this weekend. There's only one word to describe that game: addictive. I'm living in the town of Sbadia (Strongbadia wouldn't fit; my first choice, Murfreesboro, wouldn't fit either). It's a great game. Speaking of great, this book I'm reading right now, "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge, is a great book too. Although, I feel that it wasn't really meant for me. I feel like somebody else I know needs that book so much more than I do. I'll have to give it to them the next time I see them. . .whenever that is. Well, today's another day and another way to see how much I truly need You, Lord. After those conferences, it's so hard to maintain the momentum. . .to, as Pastor Mark says, "come down from that mountain of an experience and apply it in your every day life." We all too often become distracted by all the things of this world and inadvertently turn our backs on the One who matters most. As someone said at TCX, we lose sight of God through "active rebellion or passive indifference." I would have a nice analogy here if my brain were working right now. Yeah, I don't really have much to write today. Maybe another time. Well, I'm either going to go have a quiet time or play some more Animal Crossing.

a Dios

song of the day: "Pitiful" by Blindside (I must like them or something) "I admit that I was only waiting for the right time. . .right time for You to look away, though You never did I pretended for a while so I could walk where I don't belong. Pitiful! So pitiful!!"


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