Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Yawn. Well, it was another uneventful day. . .just the kind I like. I played Animal Crossing for who knows how many hours, watched the new sbemail again (the best one ever, in my opinion. "Well, I suppose there could be a 'goodminton'."). That's been my day. It may seem like a waste, and it probably is, but I like these days. I think it's mainly because I don't really let very many people really close to me, and, as such, I don't really do things with a whole lot of people. Maybe I just do it so I don't get hurt. Who knows? Either way, God made me this way, and who am I to question if it's bad or good? I was reading one of my friend's blogs just yesterday and on it said something to the effect that the idea of us lacking in any one area is completely absurd. God hand-picked exactly how much of one attribute we would get long eons before our existence on this earth came into being. So who are we to say that we lack something when God gave us exactly what we needed before we existed? Whoa. That a bit much for my brain there. It's still on vacation:) It doesn't have to start working until the 13th. On a completely different note, See Spot Rock 2 is going to be friggin' awesome. The lineup you ask? Skillet, Pillar, 12 Stones, Big Dismal and Grits. Heck yeah!! I am so there! Now I just have to wait until they release some dates. Either way, this is going to be an awesome awesome tour. Hopefully Minneapolis isn't the last day of the tour like it was last year. The bands were getting kind of worn out and sick by the end. Other things I'm excited about: "The Passion of (the?) Christ" it's going to be one the best movies ever, and Blindside's new cd "About a Burning Fire" set for release February 24th, a day before "The Passion of Christ" released. How about that for a good couple of days? Well, I'm going to get back to some good ol' slacking:)

adios and may the Father show you the way in this world of darkness

song of the day: "A Shame" by Pillar -- "It's a shame to be ashamed. . .to be ashamed of the One that we should glorify!"


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