Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Once again I am reminded. . .

Worrying accomplishes nothing. I am also reminded there generally is little reason to worry in the first place.

Case in point,

1. Wallet. I always seem to misplace my wallet. Not a good thing. Today was one of those days. I went into the registrar's office to pick up my transcript. They needed a photo ID. No problem, I have my. . .crap. I don't have my wallet. Did I bring that to school with me today? Did I put it in my pocket and did it fall out? Did somebody come across it and use my credit cards? Am I royally screwed? I come home later today and look in the back pocket of the jeans I last wore. Usually that's good enough and the mystery of the missing wallet is solved. But it wasn't there. A million thoughts want to run through my head about the horrible possibilities that might come about if I lost my wallet on campus today but all I can think is, "Crap. Crap, crap, crap. Crap." And so it goes until I look at my computer desk and see a little piece of leather sitting below a flyer. Wallet in possession. Sweet. Why was I worried again?

2. Homework. I hate homework. With a burning passion. Especially when it's a huge paper and I have no idea how I'm supposed to come at it, what to include in it, or how long it's supposed to be. I wind up writing 19 pages in about three days. Most of which were written the day/night/morning before it was due. I have no idea if I've done it right or not. All I know is that I can still get an A in this class if I manage to get a 60% or above on it. I'm hopeful, but not holding my breath. I hand it in and am thankful for it to be done and over with. The longest paper of my college career is done and over with. We got the papers back today and I'm freaking out about how well (or poorly) I did on it. I get the paper back and immediately flip to the back page. Honestly, who reads the comments they get on their papers first? I look below the line of text that has general comments about the paper and see a glorious and completely unsuspected figure:


I stare at the number some more, thinking my eyes are playing tricks on me. But, no, the comments affirm that he thought my paper was really good. Nice.

Once again, worry for nothing.

As my wonderful Friend Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:27&34)


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