Friday, October 27, 2006

I should really be doing homework or something. But I'm not. And I don't care. The professor for my 2:00 class was late. . .so we left. He eventually showed up and was a bit miffed I'm told. Such is life I suppose. Right now I'm sitting in a fairly cramped lab listening to Underoath. Good times.

The beard is coming along quite nicely. Danielle even told me that she'd even like it--not just tolerate it--if I shaved off the molestache. I shaved that off earlier this week and have gotten nothing but compliments on my rugged and manly facial hair.

Just did a search on Xanga tags. Sad that Christianity is tagged more than Jesus.

I'm continually amazed with how G-d works. This world tells us all sorts of things that don't fit in with His truth and love. The one that bugs me the most is how we must live with our mistakes and there are some things that can never be undone. He doesn't work that way. He doesn't hold anything against us. Forgiveness and redemption are ours if only we ask. Mistakes are wiped away and no longer ours. Christ takes them away.

That's huge.

And I don't think we ever really truly realize how huge that is. Even now I still don't. But, like a man unable to see the top of a mountain as it reaches the heavens, I think I'm starting to have a better appreciation for the true scope of His love and forgiveness. Because not only does He forgive, He cleanses and makes new. His forgiveness is so powerful that our mistakes are gone. Washed away. Put upon the cross and left there. All we have to do is let go. . .which is sometimes the hardest part. But that's all we have to do. Let go.

Let go.
Let go. . .

Sounds good to me.

And if ever You come near
I'll hold up high a mirror
Lord, I could never show You anything as beautiful as You


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