Thursday, January 08, 2004

Crikey, my feet be cold. I guess that's what I get for staying home while the rest of the family is out working. You see, the heating here's on the whole schedule where it turns off during the day, then starts warming up around 3-4 o'clock. That's why I'm glad we have lots of blankets here:) Well, even though that little blurb may make you think I don't have anything pertinent to write today, I actually do. Here goes. I am not a bad person. You're either thinking "duh" or "what is this guy talking about?" As such, I think I'm going to explain that a bit more. You know, one of the greatest lies in the church right now is that we have no way to be what God wants us to be; we'll never get there. Try and try as though we may, our flesh holds us down and we'll struggle against ourselves and our sin until the day we die and our judged by the Almighty and set free to live a perfect life in Heaven. While this is true to some degree, it's quite misleading. There's one thing that thought does not take into account. When we become a Christian, a true Christian, we get a new heart. God gives us a new heart. Don't believe me? Check out Ezekiel 36:26. You might be thinking "Woo-hoo, a new heart. What's the big deal?" Here's the big deal: the heart is the well-spring of life. It's where our true thoughts and emotions come from. It's where man's nature is contained. That's what, as it says in Romans 7:15-17, if we don't want to sin, (and we don't, remember we have a new heart; a heart from God) then it is the sin that dwells within us that causes us to sin. HALLELUJAH!! If we sin and do not want to, we are not the ones who are actually sinning; it is the sin that dwells within the flesh that we are bonded to during life. That, my friends, is cause for celebration. We are good people. We are God's people. Amen and amen. Well, I think that that's about all I have for now. So tune in tomorrow, same bat-time same bat-channel.

verse(s) of the day: Romans 7:15-17 (seriously, check 'em out)
song of the day: "Dear Slim" by KJ-52 -- "one God, one Love, one Way"


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