Friday, January 09, 2004

Hola. Well, not a whole lot went down today. Played some more Animal Crossing (go figure) and went to go see "Paycheck" with Paul Giamatti (I like him the most, therefore he gets top billing), Ben Affleck, and Uma Thurman. It was a decent movie. Not bad, not great. The concept behind everything was pretty cool, but they could've done so much more with it. Oh well. I'm going to go see "Big Fish" tomorrow. I'm a bit more excited for that. "Tim Burton's masterpiece." "Finally, a script that matches Burton's visualizations." So, yeah. Looking forward to it. Passed up the chance to see Bubba Ho-tep. It was playing at the Fargo theater. It's got a really freaking messed up storyline. Here goes: the main character is Elvis. It turns out that an Elvis impersonator was taking his place and that impersonator died, so the real Elvis never got a chance to go back to his life. So, anyways, Elvis winds up at a old folk's home with a black guy who thinks that he's John F. Kennedy. Now, these two guys get together to stop a mummy that's been going around killing people in their nursing home. And that's it. Yeah. . .weirdest move plot. Ever. Sadly, I think that's about all I have tonight. So, y'all keep it real. (I can't believe I just said, "y'all").

adios y Dios le bendice
verse of the day: Romans 8:1
song of the day: "Silence" by Blindside (wow, another Blindside song) "They look up to the stars and wonder where You might be. They look up without realizing they're standing in the palm of Your hand. I can't explain or understand. . .I just love You."


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