Monday, October 16, 2006

A short prayer from the heart

Jesus, thank You.

I will be strong.
I will love.
I will forgive.

. . . . .

I will be strong because You have breathed Your strength into me.
I will love because You first loved me.
I will forgive because You see something in me worth forgiving.


What is it with this time in October? Damn it. It's been 51 weeks to the day since the last time I felt like this. It's been just under a year since I last saw my sense of reality crack and fall away like this. Nearly a year since I had to open my eyes wider than I'd ever cared to before.

But I refuse to bend. I refuse to break. I refuse to let the hurts of this life master me. Whoever He Is that lives inside me is too great to let me allow hurt to rule me.

I will not falter.
I will not fail.
I will not give up.

Instead, I will do what He calls me to. I will love.

I will love fucking hard


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