Saturday, September 16, 2006

Well, I am officially resurrecting this page. It's been almost two years since I left for Xanga, and I like the community feel there, so I don't think I'm leaving. However, I realize that some people don't like Xanga so I figured I'd let this be a mirror of that site. I'll try to keep this updated right alongside my Xanga.

Here's a response to an article I wrote for my college's newspaper last week and my reply to it. . .

"The author wrote that, 'War kills our fellow human beings, plain and simple.' I encourage him to find a Holocaust survivor and ask him/her whether World War II should've been cancelled because a few thousand Jews weren't worth the effort. Your freedom wasn't free, though I seriously doubt you've earned it. Jesus died so you could go to heaven; but soldiers, sailors, Marines and patriots have died so you could enjoy your time on Earth. If you appreciate that fact, thank a vet. If not, move to Canada."

To which the Jake responded:

"You raised a very valid criticism of the opinion I voiced in my article in The Spectrum. Thank you. Unfortunately, there's a word limit that must be taken into account with opinion articles and the issue I addressed is so big that there's no possible way to adequately address the issue in a newspaper.

Let me say that I was not in favor of keeping Saddam in power in Iraq. But I was against the war. I definitely would not be in favor of keeping Hitler in power. But I would most certainly be against the war. When it comes down to it, as a Christian, I have to look at Jesus and how He lived to best decide what course of action should be taken. Jesus tried to teach us that violence isn't going to solve anything ("If you're angry with your brother, it's like killing him." Matthew 5:21-22) and that to overcome the violent actions of others we must love with an outrageous and uncompromising love. Turn the other cheek. Bless those who curse you. Love your enemies. These thoughts do not suggest pacifism. They promote a very real and tangible action of reckless love. I think what Jesus was trying to say through these things was if you hate those who hate you, hate will never end, only escalate. In order to stop hate, we must love.

So what about the Holocaust? What should have been done then? I'm not going to say that I have an answer. But I do firmly believe that Jesus would not have been in the trenches with a gun shooting Nazis. War's the easy way out. It's ridiculously hard to love in the way that Jesus demands of us. But if we put our collective minds together I'm sure that through love we can find better resolutions to conflict than killing each other.

And I respect your right to disagree and I thank you for voicing your opinion. It's one of the things that truly makes this country great. So I don't think I'll be moving to Canada any time soon."

So what do you think?


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