Thursday, September 28, 2006

Cripes. I'm ready to go to bed right now. Just took two tests, have yet to hand in three papers. Eh. Yesterday, it took me about nine hours of work to get one of my papers done today. But I'm done with it. So that makes me happy. I just hope that I didn't screw it up or anything like that. It was probably the paper with the vaguest directions of my whole college career. Not fun. But still G-d is good. And I am thankful for all He has given me.

This weekend was fun. I got to go to Sioux Falls and spend some time with my lovely girlfriend. We went out to Spearfish along with her mom because Danielle had a sewing contest out there. She took first. She's going to nationals. She's kind of talented. On our way back, we stopped at Mt. Rushmore since she'd never been there before. Our trip there also taught me that my beautiful and intelligent girlfriend doesn't know the difference between a gopher and a buffalo. It's true. There's more of a story there. . .but I can't do it justice. Needless to say, I had a good time. I look forward to a day when I don't have to leave after only a weekend of being with her.

On another note, I'm saddened by this society's view on men. Not even the view that all guys are horny, beer-drinking sports addicts. The notion that men don't have to own up to their actions annoys me the most. Somehow men have become seen as inept creatures in a complete loss of control over their own actions. And I think a lot of men today embrace this idea. If we do something that upsets our significant others, we just say we're only men and they should expect nothing less than for us to screw up instead of owning up to our actions, asking what we did wrong, and how we can do better in the future. We also are apparently not responsible for our own purity either. The burden of keeping men pure has been placed on women. They need to dress appropriately so as to not set us off and make us stumble. Men have apparently lost all sense of self-control. Once again, guys, own up to your actions. Realize there may be a two-way street, but that certain women will always dress provocatively and the only thing you'll ever be able to control is your reaction to that image. Along those same lines, it absolutely sickens me that we blame women for being sexually assaulted. Just this week another article appeared in our campus' newspaper of how another woman on our campus encountered a man who tried to rob and sexually assault her. And society seems to say, "Oh, she should have been more careful." "If she hadn't dressed that way, he wouldn't have done that." "She shouldn't have pushed him so far physically." The list goes on.

And I cry bullshit.

It's time for men to once again be men. It's time for us to own up to what we do and rest on G-d's strength. True, we will never be perfect and we will fail. It's human nature, I suppose. But if we hope to improve this world we have to act justly, man up, and truly walk in the way that Jesus would have us. A real man realizes these things. I'm still not sure if I'm a real man. . .but as my good brother Bradley Hathaway said, I may not be there yet, but I'm past the start.

And maybe one day I'll be able to look back upon my life from a distance and say that I am a manly man.


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