Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Ah, the joys of living in the Midwest. A light dusting of snow on my "lawn" (there's a story about my "lawn," but I'm not going to talk about it now or else I'm going to get myself all cheesed off) greeted me when I woke up this morning. I like snow. . .at least during this part of the year--I'm ready to be done with it come January. The falling snow soothes my soul and reminds me of G-d. I don't know why. . .but it does.

Fall left far too early. It seems we don't have fall anymore. The past couple of years we've had a few weeks of crazy weather--hot and cold, but not cool--and then winter comes. Sad. Fall is my favorite season of the year too. Oh well. . .G-d is still good.

I'm working on an opinion article for the next issue of The Spectrum. Next up on Jake's agenda: How the "Well, that was just Jesus, I can't measure up to that," excuse doesn't cut the mustard. That's not the headline. Hopefully I'll be able to cut that down a little bit. But expect that article posted here sometime Saturday night.

I don't have much to say.

Seek Whoever He Is with all your might.


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