Saturday, September 23, 2006

Damn it, I'm tired. I never thought that I would put myself into this situation. I actually have too much stuff going on and I am ever so slowly burning out.

Mondays - Work from 8-5
Tuesdays - Do stuff in the morning, class from 9:30-4:45 with no break, radio show from 5-7
Wednesdays - Work from 8-5, homework in the off time, officers meeting for the radio station at 10
Thursdays - Class from 9:30-4:45, crash when I get home or book it to Sioux Falls
Friday - Work from 8-5, come home and crash indefinitely
Saturday and Sunday - Try to recuperate and put off doing homework

I'm tired of this already and it's not even been a month. I'm tired from work. I'm tired from school. I'm too tired to do homework. And when I talk to my girlfriend on the phone at night I'm too tired to carry on a good conversation.

I'm tired of the fact that I don't get to see her as often as I'd like. I'm tired of us having to carry on a phone-only relationship between trips to see each other.

I'm tired of not having the energy to pursue G-d. I'm tired of not being able to break myself from these ruts of sin I find myself trapped in. I'm tired of trying to get back up and never being able to do it.

But I'm thankful.

I'm thankful I have a job that pays me well for something I enjoy doing. I'm thankful I only have a year left of school. I'm thankful I have a wonderful, beautiful, amazing girlfriend who loves me dearly. I'm thankful that, thanks to modern technology, we can talk on the phone every night and not rack up insane charges on a phone bill. I'm thankful that, even though I'm outrageously tired from struggling and can no longer put up a fight, G-d will still love me and offer His hand to pick me up.

And even though I'm tired, it's much better to be thankful.


Blogger Unknown said...

hard work pays, my friend! keep it up..

9/23/2006 10:34 AM  

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